I was a Designer and Creative Technologist once upon a time at SF ad agency and social club, Duncan/Channon. The company is known for its rooftop speakeasy known as the Tip. It’s false mythology lead to a fake induction into the California Historical Registry.
A client, Hard Rock runs a massive video system to coordinate the displays throughout its cafes, hotels, casinos and live venues worldwide. We collaborated with artist Erik Natzke to create a series of rather trippy, dynamically-generated animations to display when music other than music videos is playing (live music, a DJ, etc.). Animations are paired randomly with whatever music happens to be playing at the time and each resolves into a specific visual revelation. Here’s a six-minute sample.
Another fun project was for Gree, a Japanese mobile gaming company that jumped into the American market at the dawn of smartphone saturation. Their launch title was called Alien Family and we came up with some adorable marketing materials to go along with it.
Roles: Creative Technologist, Interactive Designer, Interactive Art Director, Editor